Embracing the Age of Aquarius: What 2024 Holds for Us

Age of Aquarius | Janet Rae Orth

We've entered a new age: The age of Aquarius

Can you feel it? We have not only entered a new year, we have entered a new phase of life on our planet. Pluto will enter Aquarius on January 20th. It has not been in the sign of Aquarius since the American and French Revolutions. Pluto is so far from the sun that it takes 248 years to complete its orbit around the sun. Pluto will remain in Aquarius for a period of 20 years. We are not only entering a period of personal change and growth, with the new year, but of monumental changes as a culture or society.  This is the sign of the individual . Someone who creates a new and unknown path rather than follow an old one. So we will be breaking patterns as a culture or society. As a result of the American Revolution, we let go our old ruling authority, a monarchy, and created a whole new government, a democracy.  It is speculated by many astrologers, that as we enter this Age of Aquarius, the growth and change will be very much associated with electronics. So it is no surprise that we are right on the cusp of a whole new world, using Artificial Intelligence. Personally, we are feeling it too. We are ready for new beginnings, new growth, new people and new goals. As the new year begins, we have new enthusiasm.

The sun is rising a little earlier each day and it is staying light a little longer. As we feel the light begin to return, as we move forward toward spring, we sense it is time to get ready to grow. Just as the squirrels know to start gathering nuts in the fall. As we approach spring, we sense that we need to get ready to blossom. New beginnings are on the horizon for us too and we can feel it. We are coming out of the inward space of winter, the self-reflection, the quietness, and moving toward the movement of spring. This is why we begin to think about resolutions for the new year. What we wished we had done more of last year, what we want to do differently this year. The energy of new growth appearing ahead of us is prompting us to ask ourselves, how do we want to grow? What do we want to see blossom? Shortly after the new year, often even before we reach the month of February, many of us have realized we aren’t doing what we thought we would. We have given up on it for the year. We stop thinking about what we never really started. Why does this happen to so many of us? Let’s start by realizing it is hard to create change.  In order to create a new habit, our brain literally needs to create new neural pathways. In order for that to happen, we need to repeat our new activities consistently until they become habit. This requires focus and discipline. We can't do it sporadically and expect it to stick. Why is that hard? Because we are already busy. We already have full schedules, responsibilities and habits in place. Some of them may be bad but they are there.

So, if you want to create something new this year and follow through with it. The first step is to recognize in order to manifest our goals for the new year, we need to be committed to the new activity. We need to create time and space to do it and then we need to follow through consistently. We need to recognize this will mean changing our habits and schedule. It will mean changing the way we spend our time. If you want to create something new this year begin by identifying what you want. Be clear about it. Vision boards are a great exercise to help you gain clarity on what you want to manifest. Once you have it clearly in mind, the next step is to begin by visualizing yourself doing what you want to begin. If you want to start walking daily, imagine when you will take your walks, see yourself getting up early and walking. See yourself setting the clock 30 minutes earlier and going out there and walking. See yourself smelling the air, enjoying the light, the animals you will see on your walk. See this on your schedule daily and see yourself getting up and loving it. Feel yourself having it, imagine yourself doing it. Make a commitment to yourself to follow through on what you want to begin. Once those new neural pathways are in place, this will be your new normal. Then it will be effortless, you will look forward to it. Most importantly it will fulfill you. When we are fulfilled, this is where joy and contentment live. Use the wonderful inspiring energy and enthusiasm of the new year to carry you forward. There are so many possibilities. What are you going to do with it? For more on manifesting, check out my upcoming workshops on Manifesting 101.


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